Message from John Barnett,
Here at QuanTEM Laboratories we have been
analyzing PLM samples for 20 years and have
completed millions of samples during this time.
I am amazed that some consultants still are
being sold a bill of goods about sample
pricing. A few labs charge by the sample,
not by the layer and at the first glance this
appears to be a good idea but when you realize
that you are being charged the multi layer pricing
for your single layer samples it just doesn't make
sense. Of all the samples we
receive, only about 20% have multiple layers, 80%
are single layer samples. These
labs quote a higher rate than QuanTEM and
offer 2 or 3 layers. This works out if your
project has all multi layer samples but you still
pay the same price even though you may have
samples which only have one layer. If the
percentages I listed above hold true you are
getting a good deal only 20% of the time but you
are overpaying 80% of the time. It's not our
intent to leave money lying on the table but
it is our job to provide our customers with the
best possible service and at a competitive
Give this some consideration, it might
help you save some money in these times when every
dollar counts. John E.
Barnett President QuanTEM Laboratories,
LLC jbarnett@quantem.com
Multi Layered Asbestos Sample
By: Jeff
Mlekush QuanTEM Laboratories,
There seems to be confusion among some
asbestos consultants as to how multi-layered
samples are handled at the laboratory. The
federal government requires each material found in
a sample to be analyzed separately. A
clarification to EPA's asbestos NESHAP details
several examples of different materials (December
1993). Also, OSHA requires each material to
be analyzed separately.
Asbestos inspectors are taught in
their inspection class to identify each
"homogeneous area" in a building. A
""homogeneous area" means an area of surfacing
material, thermal system insulation material, or
miscellaneous material that is uniform in color
and texture" (40CFR763.83). So
each different material is a unique homogeneous
area and is required to be analyzed by itself even
if other materials are adhered to it.
Some examples:
- A floor tile is one homogeneous area and
the mastic on the back is a second homogeneous
- A plaster skim coat is one homogeneous
area and the underlying "brown" coat is a
separate homogeneous area.
- The drywall texture over the surface of a
gypsum wallboard is one homogeneous material
while the wallboard is a second homogeneous area
and the material found at the joints is a third
homogeneous area.
When your samples are received at
the laboratory, we must analyze each layer
(homogeneous area) found within the sample
container unless specifically directed otherwise
by the inspector. So, for example, if you
already know the mastic in a flooring sample is
asbestos containing and you only want the floor
tile analyzed - state this on the chain of custody
- we will only analyze the
tile. State in clear terms what you
want the analysts to do (making sure, of course,
that your request is legal). Think of it
this way: The chain of custody is the direct
link of your thoughts to our analysts. And
contrary to what you may have heard on the CSI
shows, we are not magicians, mind readers, or
miracle workers. So throw us a bone and give
us clear directions. If you have any
questions regarding multi-layered systems or would
like a copy of the NESHAP clarification mentioned
above, give us a
call. |
Kansas City Gets Grant
For Lead Paint Removal
Kansas City, MO - Kansas City has
received a $3 million grant that will help remove
lead-based paint from nearly 250 homes. Kansas
City health officials said the lead hazard control
grant will provide $1 million per year over three
years. Mayor Mark Funkhouser accepted the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development grant
For full text, click here. |
Stimulus Money Goes Toward Asbestos
Abatement in Tacoma
The Tacoma Housing Authority will
spend $4 million of its federal stimulus
money on asbestos abatement and renovations across
seven housing projects. The projects currently
house low income senior citizens and disabled
persons. It is expected that the renovation and
abatement projects will also stimulate the economy
by creating about 150 jobs. In addition to
asbestos abatement, the projects will include
repairing and replacing roofs, siding and parking
lots and adding new water pipes. However, the
asbestos abatement will likely be the most
important part of the renovations as it will take
away the danger of asbestos exposure. Work on
these projects is expected to commence in the next
120 days.
New England - Albania Deleon was
convicted of a scheme to sell fake documents that
certified unqualified people to handle asbestos
removal, but she fled before sentencing in March.
Michael Hubbard, special agent in charge of the
EPA's criminal investigation division in New
England, tells Michele Norris about the agency's
largest manhunt.
For the full story,
- 20 Years of Experience
- Over 200,000 TEM Samples
- NVLAP - 18 years
39.00 Per
24-Hour Turn
* air sample, AHERA
method | |
Barbara's Corner
Each month, I will post my
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with answers
and tips that will help you save time and
What is the proper
method for sending in
Each sample should be secured
in its own individual, air tight, seal-proof
bag. ----- Chain-Of-Custody
should be filled out legibly with all
information. ----- Do not use staples
or tape to secure the sample in the bag. Staples
and tape will puncture and tear the
bag. ----- Do not staple the
Chain-Of-Custody to the sample or put the
Chain-Of-Custody in the bag with the
sample. ----- Make sure all samples
are labeled correctly and according to the
Chain-Of-Custody. -----
Please select a box or envelope suitable
for the type and quantity of sample you are
Would you like to ask Barbara a
Email her here.
Barbara Holder has been with
QuanTEM since October 2004 as our Customer
Relations Manager. Barbara plays an active
supervisory role with all customer interactions
QuanTEM. |
QuanTEM Labortories,
2033 Heritage Park
Oklahoma City,
822-1650 voice
(405) 755-2058 fax
| | |