Retreived online April 20, 2011 from Environmental Protection E-News
By: Buck Consultants, April 15, 2011
American businesses are measuring the savings from their green workplace practices more than ever, according to a new survey released by Buck Consultants, a Xerox Company.
Buck's third annual survey, "Greening of the American Workplace," revealed that 60 percent of organizations are measuring their cost savings from green programs, up from 39 percent last year - an increase of 54 percent. The complete survey is available for a fee.
Survey respondents noted that the savings are widespread throughout the workplace. Seventy-eight percent report electricity cost savings, two-thirds indicate heating/cooling and paper savings, and 60 percent are cutting costs on water.
Overall, 69 percent of survey respondents have green programs in place, an increase from 53 percent last year.
Among the organizations that have a formal green program, the most common practices are:
Recycling and paper reduction (97 percent)
Web and/or teleconferencing (95 percent)
Healthy living and wellness (85 percent)
Internal green communication programs (81 percent)
Light sensors (75 percent)
"Nearly six in 10 respondents indicate the recession had no impact on their green workplace initiatives while 19 percent actually expanded green programs during the economic downturn," said Allison Artnak, director at Buck Consultants. READ MORE.